Read Search Terms from a Data File

Scripts can read values out of data files to streamline creating queries with large numbers of known search terms (such as CAS Registry Numbers, patent numbers or common chemical names). This example reads CAS Registry Numbers from a file and parses them into workable groups.


\* This script provided without warranty

\* Example script reads data file and groups search terms




_maxRNs = 15

_innerCount = 0

_storeSearch = “S”

_storeFinal = “S”

This script uses variables and counters to include hundreds of CAS RNs in a search query by creating groups of 15 values.

ECHO "OPEN Solvent RN file"




 READ _searchterm

 ECHO “Read _searchterm”


 IF _searchterm = “*****” THEN

The data file has a string used to signal the end of reading search terms.



 _join = “”

 IF _innercount > 0 _join = “OR”


 _storeSearch = _storeSearch + _join

 _storeSearch = _storeSearch + _searchterm


 _innerCount = _innerCount + 1

 IF _innerCount = _maxRNs THEN


   => _storeSearch

   _innerCount = 0

   _storeSearch = “S”

   IF _storeFinal <> “S” THEN


   _storeFinal = _storeFinal + “OR


   _storeFinal = _storeFinal + _$LNUM



Here we are programmatically adding the “OR” operator between L-numbers.


 IF _storeSearch <> “S” THEN


   => _storeSearch

   IF _storeFinal <> “S” THEN


   _storeFinal = _storeFinal+ “OR”


   _storeFinal = _storeFinal + _$LNUM



 => _storeFinal

 => D CN 1-




 ECHO "Script complete"