Script Operators and Conditions

Operators and conditions are elements that manipulate and compare pieces of data.

Arithmetic Operators

Operators and conditions are components of statements. Arithmetic operators manipulate the values of numbers. "String operators" work on text strings. Conditional operators compare the values of strings and numbers in IF statements. Compound conditions are built with logical operators. Special operators are used in specific situations.




add two numbers



subtract one number from another



multiply two numbers



divide one number by another


String Operators

Use the arithmetic operators in assignment statements to perform arithmetic on numbers. The arithmetic operators do not function inside strings or conditions.




join two strings (not inside double quotation marks)



denote the end of a variable name inside double quotes


Conditional Operators

To control execution of a statement or a set of statements based on the value of a variable, use an IF statement with a condition. A condition compares the values of two variables or a variable and a literal number or literal string.

All operators are binary, and the general syntax is A operator B.

If both A and B are integers, comparison is based on their numerical values. Otherwise, an alphabetic comparison is made.

All string comparisons are case-sensitive. That means "salt" is not equal to "SALT".

Numbers and Strings



numbers or strings are equal



numbers or strings are not equal



greater than

A is greater than B

less than

A is less than B


greater than or equal

A is greater than or equal to B


less than or equal

A is less than or equal to B





string A includes string B


does not include

nstring A does not include string B


Example 1

_s = "string"

IF _s = "string"             \* True

IF _s = "string "            \* False

IF _s = "STRING"             \* False

IF _s INCL "ring"            \* True

IF _s INCL "Ring"            \* False

IF _s NOTINCL "cow"          \* True


Example 2

_var1 = 10

_var2 = 5 + 5

IF _var2 = _var1             \* True

IF _var2 <> _var1            \* False

IF _var1 > 0                 \* True

IF _var2 < 4                 \* False

IF _var1 >= 10               \* True

IF _var1 <= 10               \* True

Compound Conditions

Compound conditions may be formed from multiple conditions using logical operators. Use parentheses to group and nest conditions up to eight levels deep.



logical and

both A and B


logical or

either A or B or both


exclusive or

either A or B, but not both



_answers = 42

_dformat = "bib"

IF ((_answers < 100) AND (_dformat = "bib"))    /* True

IF ((_answers < 100) AND (_dformat = "all"))    /* False

IF ((_answers < 100) OR (_dformat = "ide"))     /* True

IF ((_answers < 15) OR (_dformat = "ide"))      /* False

IF ((_answers < 100) XOR (_dformat = "bib"))    /* FALSE

IF ((_answers < 100) XOR (_dformat = "ide"))    /* True

Special Operators



Edit a command before sending it to an online host (=> statement).



Assign the L-number result of a command to a variable (=> statement).


answer count

Retrieve the number of answers from an L-number variable.


file existence

Determine whether a given file exists. EXISTS first checks the User Scripts folder and then Scripts folder. It sets _$filerror to zero if the file exists and to a nonzero value if the file does not exist.