Uploading a Structure in the Structure Editor

Note: To successfully upload a structure, you must first open a structure-searchable file or you will be prompted to do so. To enter all structure-searchable files, open the STRUCTURE cluster.

Using the Structure Editor, you may upload structures to STNext to perform a structure query or for future use.

  1.  Click the Draw button in the lower right-hand corner.

  2. In the Structure Editor, click the Import icon.

  3. Click the Choose File button in the Upload Structure pop-up.

  4. Select the structure file, and then click the Open button.

  5. Click the Upload button in the Upload Structure pop-up.

  6. In the Structure Editor, click the Upload button.

    In addition to uploading to the session, the structure is added to the Structures page for future upload.

Learn More

Using Structures for Queries

Drawing and Editing Structures

Importing a Structure