Sequence File Errors

Multiple Sequences Detected

When a sequence file is imported that has multiple sequences, a "Multiple sequences detected" error message displays and the Upload button is disabled. When the file is validated in the Edit Sequence window, an "Error, Multiple sequences detected" message displays.

Validation Errors

When a sequence file is imported and has one or more of the below error types, a "Validation Errors" message displays and the Upload button is disabled:

Click the Edit button, and then click the Validate button in the Edit Sequence window to display the error type and the line number where the error occurs.


Note: White space in a sequence is ignored; a line which contains only white space is treated as a break between sequence queries.


No Sequence Detected

The file contains no sequence data.

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Invalid Characters

The sequence contains a character that is not allowed ("%" in the example below). 

Valid characters:



 ( )

 [ ]









As part of a valid quantifier:


{ }






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Invalid Number Pattern

The sequence contains a valid character that is outside of a quantifier ("1" in the example below).


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Unbalanced Parenthesis

The sequence contains a mismatched quantity of parenthesis or brackets (missing ")" in the example below).


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Invalid Quantifier

The sequence contains a quantity indicator (quantifier) that is not well formed ("{aa}" in the example below); only 0-9, ',' and '-"' should appear within curly brackets. Additionally ',' and ''-" are mutually exclusive and can only appear once in each set of curly brackets. Note: When "-" or "," are not part of a valid quantifier, they are treated as invalid characters.


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Learn More

Using Sequences for Queries

Editing a Sequence File

Importing a Sequence File

Uploading a Sequence File

Downloading a Sequence File