Importing a Sequence File on the Structures Page

To import a sequence file:

  1. Click My Files, and then select Structures.

  2. On the Structures page, click the Import Sequence button.

    To import a structure into a folder, click the folder's ellipsis (...) icon, and then select Import Sequence.

  3. Click the Browse button in the Import Sequence File window.

  4. Select the sequence file on your computer, and then click the Open button. Note: Valid file formats are Plain (.txt), EMBL (.embl), GENBANK (.gb), FASTA (.fasta), and SwissProt (.dat).

  5. Click the Ok button in the Import Sequence File window.

    Important: If you attempt to import a sequence that has the same file name as a sequence already in My Files, you have the option to overwrite the existing file with the file being imported (Replace) or Rename the file being imported.


    Note: If the imported file contains multiple sequences or invalid characters/syntax, an error message displays.

The imported sequence now appears on the Structures page.


Learn More

Using Sequences for Queries

Renaming a Sequence File

Uploading a Sequence File

Editing a Sequence File

Deleting Sequence Files

Downloading a Sequence File